How to Choose & Use Sunscreen
With all the sunscreens available these days (organic or mineral? water-resistant or sweat-resistant? lotion or spray?), choosing the right one for your kids can be tricky. But what matters most when picking a sunscreen is how well it protects skin from UV rays. Learn...
SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths
Approximately 3,500 infants die annually in the United States from sleep-related deaths, including SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, ill-defined deaths, and accidental suffocation and strangulation. In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new...
Healthy Living
This widget provides users with a quick and easy way to see state data related to cholesterol, diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, nutrition, obesity, physical activity, stroke, and tobacco use. <div data-cdc-widget="howHealthyIsYourState"...
Zika Virus
Zika is a disease caused by the Zika virus, which is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. It can also be spread by a man to his male or female sex partners during sex. The most common symptoms of Zika are fever, rash,...
Potty Training Tools & Tips
Using a visual chart to record each time your child uses the potty is a great way to reinforce a child’s potty training progress. Allow your child to place a mark or sticker on the chart after each successful visit to the bathroom. Click each image to download a free...
What To Do About A Toddler Biting And Kicking
While it can be embarrassing, frustrating, and sometimes frightening, for the most part, this type of behavior by toddlers is a normal phase that they all pass through. It is a part of their growth and development and usually results from frustration at not being able...
Increasing Your Child’s Self-Esteem
Many people have a strong opinion on the importance of self-esteem in children. Some people think too much emphasis is placed on self-esteem today. However, most believe strongly that self-esteem development is crucial in children. The truth is that both opinions are...
Protecting Your Child – Vaccines for Children
Vaccination is one of the best ways a parent can protect their children from harmful diseases. The following graphs provide information about what vaccines your children need from birth to age six. (Click to enlarge image.) Compliments of The Centers for Disease...
Dads Helping Make Kindergarten Great
In the traditional family structure, the role of the father is clearly unique. Perhaps it is because dad goes off to work and comes home with that big booming voice or maybe it is that he is a soft touch for ice cream or an extra ride on the Ferris Wheel at the State...